Monday, May 10, 2021

Are you afraid during the interview?

Are you afraid during the interview?

 If the above question belongs to you, then read the full article

First, we will understand whats the interview?


job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired. it is the most popularly used device for employee selection.

एक नौकरी साक्षात्कार एक साक्षात्कार है जिसमें एक नौकरी आवेदक और एक नियोक्ता के प्रतिनिधि के बीच बातचीत होती है जो यह मूल्यांकन करने के लिए आयोजित की जाती है कि आवेदक को काम पर रखा जाना चाहिए या नहीं। यह कर्मचारी चयन के लिए सबसे लोकप्रिय उपकरण है।

A job interview typically precedes the hiring decision. The interview is usually preceded by the evaluation of submitted resumes from interested candidates, possibly by examining job applications or reading many resumes. Next, after this screening, a small number of candidates for interviews is selected.

नौकरी के लिए इंटरव्यू आमतौर पर हायरिंग के फैसले से पहले होता है। साक्षात्कार आमतौर पर इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों से प्रस्तुत रिज्यूम के मूल्यांकन से पहले होता है, संभवतः नौकरी के आवेदनों की जांच करके या कई रिज्यूमे पढ़कर। इसके बाद, इस स्क्रीनिंग के बाद, साक्षात्कार के लिए उम्मीदवारों की एक छोटी संख्या का चयन किया जाता है।

The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees. It also demands significant resources from the employer, An interview also allows the candidate to assess the corporate culture and demands of the job.

संभावित कर्मचारियों के मूल्यांकन के लिए नौकरी के साक्षात्कार को सबसे उपयोगी उपकरणों में से एक माना जाता है। यह नियोक्ता से महत्वपूर्ण संसाधनों की भी मांग करता है, एक साक्षात्कार भी उम्मीदवार को कॉर्पोरेट संस्कृति और नौकरी की मांगों का आकलन करने की अनुमति देता है।

what are the things that need is to be prepared at the time of the interview?

Types of questions

  • Inform Me Regarding Yourself. 
  • How Could You Hear About This Position? 
  • For what reason Do You Want to Work at This Company? 
  • For what reason Do You Want This Job? 
  • For what reason Should We Hire You? 
  • What Can You Bring to the Company? 
  • What Are Your Greatest Strengths? 
  • What Do You Consider to Be Your Weaknesses? 
  • What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement? 
  • Enlighten Me Regarding a Challenge or Conflict You've Faced at Work, and How You Dealt With It. 
  • Inform Me Regarding a Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills. 
  • What's a Time You Disagreed With a Decision That Was Made at Work? 
  • Educate Me Regarding a Time You Made a Mistake. 
  • Enlighten Me Concerning a Time You Failed. 
  • Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job? 
  • Why Were You Fired? 
  • Why Was There a Gap in Your Employment? 
  • Would you be able to Explain Why You Changed Career Paths? 
  • What's Your Current Salary? 
  • What Do You Like Least About Your Job? 
  • What Are You Looking for in a New Position? 
  • What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer? 
  • What's Your Management Style? 
  • How Would Your Boss and Coworkers Describe You? 
  • How Do You Deal With Pressure or Stressful Situations? 
  • What Do You Like to Do Outside of Work? 
  • How Do You Prioritize Your Work? 
  • What Are You Passionate About? 
  • What Motivates You? 
  • How Do You Like to Be Managed? 
  • Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? 
  • What's Your Dream Job? 
  • What Other Companies Are You Interviewing With? 
  • What Makes You Unique? 
  • What Should I Know That's Not on Your Resume? 
  • What Are Your Salary Expectations? 
  • What Do You Think We Could Do Better or Differently? 
  • When Can You Start? 
  • It is safe to say that you are Willing to Relocate? 
  • In the event that You Were an Animal, Which One Would You Want to Be? 
  • Sell Me This Pen. 
  • Is There Anything Else You'd Like Us to Know? 
  • Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

Situational interview questions

Situational interview questions ask job applicants to imagine a set of circumstances and then indicate how they would respond in that situation; hence, the questions are future-oriented. One advantage of situational questions is that all interviewees respond to the same hypothetical situation rather than describe experiences unique to them from their past. Another advantage is that situational questions allow respondents who have had no direct job experience relevant to a particular question to provide a hypothetical response

Behavioral interview questions

Behavioral (experience-based or patterned behavioral) interviews are past-oriented in that they ask respondents to relate what they did in past jobs or life situations that are relevant to the particular job-relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities required for success. The idea is that past behavior is the best predictor of future performance in similar situations. By asking questions about how job applicants have handled situations in the past that are similar to those they will face on the job, employers can gauge how they might perform in future situations.

Other types of questions

Other possible types of questions that may be asked alongside structured interview questions or in a separate interview include background questions, job knowledge questions, and puzzle-type questions. A brief explanation of each follows.

  • Background questions include a focus on work experience, education, and other qualifications. For instance, an interviewer may ask "What experience have you had with direct sales phone calls?" Interviews composed primarily of these types of questions are often labeled "conventional interviews".
  • Job knowledge questions may ask candidates to describe or demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) relevant to the job. These are typically highly specific questions. For example, one question may be "What steps would you take to conduct a manager training session on safety?

                                         Prepare all of the above interview necessity and maintain the confidence level 

                             with the upcoming blogs, I will be sharing you the best things to build up the confidence level

                                                                                             Thank you!

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