Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Engineering Design Fundamentals


Fundamentals of Engineering Design

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  1. • Introduction to engineering design
  2. • Engineering design process 
  3. • Documentation and writing technical reports
  4. •The role of the design engineer User Operator Manufacturer Engineer Designer Customer Client Need    for communication
  5. •Design Process Customer needs a solution to a problem Properly functioning system Requirement         analysis System Design (Conceptual Design + Preliminary Design) Detailed design and test System       integration and product test
  6. •Requirement Analysis Customer needs a solution to a problem Assess needs Statement of problem   Specify design requirements Requirement specifications
  7. •Needs assessment • The aim is not to solve the problem but to understand what the problem is – What   does this client want? – What is the problem that the design is to solve? • The objectives (goals) and       constraints of the problem should be identified – Objectives: summary of the needs that the design is to satisfy (helps us to choose among alternative design configurations) – Constraints: the design must satisfy (takes logical values 0 or 1, helps to decide acceptably or not) Requirement analysis Customer needs a solution to a problem Assess needs Statement of problem Specify design requirements  Requirement specifications

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