Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Industrial Awareness


Industrial processes are procedures involving chemical, physical, electrical, or mechanical steps to aid in the manufacturing of an item or items, usually carried out on a very large scale.

What is a workplace?

A workplace is the setting, social highlights, and states of being in which you play out your work. These components can affect sensations of prosperity, working environment connections, coordinated effort, effectiveness, and representative wellbeing. Here are the significant parts of a workplace

Physical Environment

This component is comprised of the size, format, and area of a workplace, regardless of whether work is directed inside or outside, the offices offered in a workplace, and the goods utilized while working.

Company culture

This component alludes to the manner in which an organization and its employees work, including what powerful correspondence resembles between various degrees of staff, employees' perspectives of organization pioneers, the organization's goals, and what the organization esteems.

Working Workplace

This component incorporates the conventional terms under which staff individuals are recruited, like the rate of pay, agreement of employment, and length of the workday. It can likewise cover sporting exercises and different drives to advance a healthy workplace.

                                                                                Thank You

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Choose This After Engineering

Choosing This After Engineering will take your career next level

Generative Engineering

File:EDAG Genesis.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Design Validation

File:Approach-for-Entity-Type-Modeling.png - Wikimedia Commons

Drafting & Documentation

File:3D model and drafting.png - Wikimedia Commons

Fastening design

The Screws Steel Metal - Free photo on Pixabay

Fastening manufacturing

Free Images - bestof:screwdriver wrench tool metal workshop  craft maintenance repair

Industrial design

File:Gillette razor sketching Jackson Hedden industrial design.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

(MDM) Mechanical Design Management

Solid Edge ST4 Multi CAD With JT | Multi-Cad Using Lightweig… | Flickr

P & ID  Design

File:Engineering-Chemical-Process-PFD-Crude-Oil-Distillation-Unit.png -  Wikimedia Commons

Manufacturing component/part

Robotic Manufacturing Cell | Research and development for th… | Flickr

Automotive Design

Coventry University Automotive Design - 3 | Met with Steve S… | Flickr

Plastic Design 

File:Ngv design, verner panton, panton chair, 1960 01.JPG - Wikimedia  Commons

Sheetmetal design

Solid Edge ST6 Sheetmetal | Solid Edge has always had a stro… | Flickr

BIW Design

File:Jaguar XE - 12926614034.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Monday, May 17, 2021

How to study effectively?


Reading is not Studying
         desk, writing, work, hand, man, table, person, people, boy, pen, notepad, male, sign, young, finger, letter, color, office, communication, student, business, paper, note, education, ink, write, art, contract, study, design, hands, fingers, text, handwriting, message, school, learn, document, pencils, idea, job, homework, paperwork, signature, hand writing, blue shirt

Making Connections

Specialists contend that the distinction between "Quick learner" and "Fast learner" is the manner in which they study; for example, rather than remembering, Quick learners make associations between thoughts. Known as logical learning, this interaction expects understudies to alter their own strategies for learning consequently making associations that move the entirety of the data to become all-good and bode well for them independently. A few understudies find that recording all data outwardly in one spot, (for example, on a piece of paper or writing slate) can assist with painting a more full picture and help their associations inside the learning interaction.

Change Your Scenery

 Internasjonal engelsk - Studying Abroad - Choosing a Place to Study - NDLA

 Change of scenery creates a great impact on the mind, make the mind feel fresh and filled with confidence. Change your space/room to connect the book to your brain.

Stop multitasking while reading

                   Multitasking - University of Michigan Style | Corey Seeman | Flickr

Stop using your mobile phone, watching a favorite movie, eating food & other unnecessary activity while studying.

Be your own teacher

                  Royalty-Free photo: Two boys sitting on chair reading book | PickPik

keep asking questions to yourself will improve the performance and memorizing ability. 

Make a study calendar

                           I purchased this little notebook a couple of years ago, before even knowing  what bullet journal… | Bullet journal inspiration, Planner bullet journal,  Small journal

Plan your study calendar that  maintains your schedule of studying, it will be easy to  manage your daily preparation without fail

Eliminate all distractions 

                  Distractions | Even when something has been revealed, humans… | Flickr

   Hushing your telephone and any irritating foundation clamors like the TV or radio. Make a settlement with yourself to try not to check online media until your examination meeting is finished. Don't entertain your friends, which creates a distraction.

Listen to calming music

                Listening to Music - Free Stock Photo by Pixabay on

     you can listen to any music you like, but I would suggest you classical, Instrumental & lo-fi beats make good background music for study preparation. 

Understand the study cycle

                         PDCA Circle |

                                                                                  Thank You

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Did you find it difficult in college?



The simplest and most common linear measuring instrument is the steel rule shown in fig.1 steel rules are made of spring steel or stainless steel. Lines, called graduations are inscribed on the face of the rule. Metric rules usually have two sets of line graduations. Steel rules are available in different lengths, the common sizes being 1.50 mm, 300 mm, 500 mm, and 1000 mm.

          File:SteelRule1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


Micrometer or micrometer caliper is one of the most widely used measuring instruments. Micrometer operates on the principle that an accurate screw will advance the spindle a precise amount for each revolution. It consists of a fixed anvil and a movable spindle. The graduated thimble rotates with the spindle and travels along a graduated sleeve fixed to the frame. The graduations conform to the pitch of the micrometer screw. To control the pressure between the anvil, the spindle, and the workpiece being measured, it is equipped with a ratchet or a friction device. Many micrometers are provided with a spindle lock.  

Rotating the lock nut in one direction locks the spindle from turning. Micrometer calipers are available with a variety of specially shaped anvils and spindles. The metric micrometer has a spindle screw thread with a pitch of 0.5 mm. with one complete revolution of the screw, the contact face at the end of the spindle either moves away iron or toward the face of the anvil exactly 0.5 mm. The upper set of graduation on the sleeve represents whole millimeters and the lowers set divides each millimeter into two equal parts or 0.5mm, The beveled edge of the thimble is graduated into 50 parts, each graduation representing l/50 of 0.5mm or 0.01 mm. The micrometer reading is established by adding the following three values.

File:Micrometer caliper parts 0001.png - Wikimedia Commons
Fig 2

(i) The last whole number of millimeters that is visible in the top row near the thimble (A)
(ii) The half-millimeter graduation in the lower row (B).
(iii) The graduation on the thimble that coincides with index line (c)

Micrometer reading in mm = A + B x 0.5 + C x 0.01 Referring to fig. 2, the whole number of a millimeter that is visible in the top row is 7, the half-millimeter graduation after 7 in the lower row is 1, and the 18th thimble graduation is coinciding with the index line, 

Micrometer reading in mm = 7 +1 x 0.5 + 1.8 x 0.01= 7.58mm


The vernier caliper illustrated in fig. 3 is an end-measuring instrument available in various sizes that can be used to make both external and internal measurements to an accuracy of 0.02 mm. It consists of a beam carrying the main scale, inside and outside and outside measuring jaws, a depth gauge bar, and an adjustable vernier head, which can be moved along the beam. For fine adjustment, an auxiliary head with a micrometer screw is provided. Both the heads are provided with locking screws to lock them firmly at any desired position. The graduated beam of tn. metric vernier caliper is divided into centimeters and millimeters. The 49 divisions (49 mm) of 1mm each on the beam (main scale) are equal to 50 divisions of the vernier scale. Thus one division on the vernier equals 49/50mm. The least count of the instrument, i.e., the difference between a division on the main scale and division on the vernier is 
= 1 – 49 / 50 = 1/50mm or 0.02mm. The vernier caliper reading is established by adding the following two values.

(i) The number of main scale divisions to the left of the 0 on the vernier scale A.

(ii) The line number B on the vernier scale, which is aligned with a line on the beam (main scale)

Vernier caliper reading = A x Length of 1 main scale division + B x least count

Fig 3.

the number of divisions on beam left of the 0 one the vernier is 19 and the 22nd line on the vernier scale is aligned with a line on the beam. .. Vernier caliper reading = 19 x 1 + 22 x 0.02 = 19.44 mm


The vernier height gauge is widely used in layout work and for height measurement up to an accuracy of 0.02mm. It is generally used on a surface plate. The three main parts of the height gauge are the base, the column, and the slide arm. The main scale is on the column and the vernier scale is attached to the slide arm. A flat scriber is secured to the slide arm for layout work as shown in fig 4

Fig 4.


The bevel protractor shown in fig.5 is used for measurement jor layout of angles. The protractor has a head with a revolving turret graduated to 900 degrees on each side of zero. A vernier is provided to measure the angle accurately. The head is adjustable along a tempered blade

Fig 5.

Thank you

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Engineering Crisis

Engineering Crisis

The primary piece of human instinct is to endure in the midst of difficulty. Through development and inventiveness, people have conquered a wide range of emergencies. Due to covid people have gotten perhaps the most serious challenges of our age. Thus, the Crisis Engineering Contest to associate common society, guides, designers, logical architects, trailblazers, and other related fields to grow new, innovative, and designing focused answers for issues and challenges related straightforwardly or by implication to COVID-19 pandemic by setting a model and reason for future trendsetters on the best way to deal with this and every single future emergency. It's not just by giving answers for continuous issues presently yet additionally to preemptively foresee and handle future difficulties. For instance, our kindred understudies and employees in Zewail City accumulated and made three models for privately collected reasonable ventilators for use in instances of breathing challenges.


Financial Crisis Stock Exchange - Free image on Pixabay

In a period of worldwide vulnerability, quite possibly the most essential classifications of challenges are the modern and monetary classification. The social orders we live in are indispensable of a mutually dependent nature, as in organizations relying upon different organizations to outsource or sell products, leaving us with grave peril for the occupations of many. This is the reason we're searching for pioneers, financing subject matter experts, engineers, social contributors, and each resident worried about the fate of his/her country in the hour of the pandemic to go along with us in tracking down an innovative answer for one of the modern and monetary challenges we as of now face. We are available to more challenges and innovative arrangements under this class!



Practically all nations all throughout the planet have quickly shut instructive foundations with an end goal to contain the spread of COVID-19. The School's conclusion because of the Covid has revealed insight into different social and monetary issues, including understudy obligation, advanced learning, food uncertainty, and vagrancy, just as admittance to childcare administrations, care clinical, lodging, web precariousness. The impact was more generous for distraught youngsters, causing learning disturbances, kid care issues, and the subsequent monetary expense for families who didn't have the way to work.



Covid pandemic stopped the economy of India over the previous year, and various individuals have lost their positions, particularly ladies. A new report in Delhi tracked down that in eight months, the joblessness rate in the public capital expanded by 17%, with about 83% of ladies respondents deciding to for all time quit partaking in the labor force. A comparative pattern has been noticed all through the country, and this when the interest of ladies was declining in the labor force as time passes.


The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an emotional loss of human existence worldwide and presents an extraordinary test to general wellbeing, food frameworks, and the universe of work. a huge number of individuals are in danger of falling into outrageous destitution, while the number of undernourished individuals, presently assessed at almost 690 million, could increment by up to 132 million before the year's over.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Current situation & Engineering career

Current situation & Engineering career

Coronavirus has unleashed destruction hands-on industry. To turn into a fruitful Engineer, you need to comprehend which abilities are popular now and which industry areas are developing right now.

since the beginning of 2020, the world has been seeing a wellbeing disaster with dubious ramifications. The Covid pandemic of Covid-19 has created ruin, causing tremendous harm as far as loss of living souls just as monetary and financial deficiencies.

The Covid flare-up has endured an unforeseen shot on numerous enterprises all throughout the planet. Some saw deals go up, others encountered an enormous droop. Numerous superfluous organizations had to close.

Yet, what's the significance here for graduates? Is your picked industry actually employing? Will you be telecommuting? What issues are various areas presently confronting, and what does the future resemble for your profession?

Select the right Value Added training/software to do as per stream between engineering before it gets late

Let me give me you some example which helps you to know your stream & their work

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineers are liable for planning and building mechanical frameworks and machines, all things considered. They assemble instruments and gear that make the world run. Present-day ways of life rely upon the proceeded with accomplishments of Mechanical Engineers. 

Mechanical Engineers make: 

  1. Assembling offices that house enormous machine's to serve numerous enterprises 
  2. Transport frameworks like vehicles, trains, boats, and airplane 
  3. Particular apparatuses and hardware for both individual use and significant fields like medical care. 

The mechanics of things to come include: 

  1. Idealizing types of movement like fast rail and vertical departure/setting down airplane 
  2. Mechanical technology made by Mechanical Engineers represent considerable authority in mechatronics (see beneath) 
  3. Machines that outfit the force of the tides 
  4. Exceptionally particular instruments that are conservative and productive for applications going from craftsmanship to medication and past, to tests done in space. 

Civil Engineering

Structural Engineers construct the world's urban areas. They work with designers, development organizations, and researchers to guarantee that we live and work in protected, effective, and economical conditions. 

Structural Engineers deal with: 

  1. The designs we depend on, from little structures to high rises 
  2. Streets and extensions 
  3. Frameworks for water, gas, power, and media communications. 

Future Civil Engineering activities will: 

  1. make much bigger high rises conceivable, permitting numerous individuals to team up and work in a solitary spot 
  2. take into account new methods of transportation to be carried out 
  3. make reusing waste and utilizing assets, for example, water and power more productive 
  4. oblige new innovations like self-driving vehicles.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineers use the information on power and electromagnetism to plan and assemble all way of electric and electronic gadgets. Numerous strengths are available to electrical architects, as the order envelops all phases of force utilization. 

Electrical Engineers help fabricate: 
  1. Force plants and new innovation for bridling and disseminating power 
  2. Media communications stages and conveyance frameworks 
  3. Force and lighting for houses, workplaces, and metropolitan structures 
  4. Electronic segments of PCs and different instruments (see hardware engineer beneath). 
Later on, Electrical Engineering will give: 
  1. Quicker and more proficient remote charging frameworks 
  2. New kinds of electric vehicles 
  3. The up and coming age of sun-oriented innovation for a greener force framework.

                                                                     Thank You

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Wants? Professional Resume Format

Person Holding Black Tablet Computer

 What is Resume?

A resume is a kind of your identity which represents you inside the resume, also it helps the interviewer to recognize ability, skills & potential inside you.

A resume designed with a "summary" of relevant job experience and education, a resume is typically limited to one or two pages of size A4 or letter-size, it is also used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview.

Types of resume format

1.Chronological Format

2.Functional Format

3.Combination Format


1.Chronological Format

  • Lists Most recent position First
  • Most Common Resume Type
  • most preferred by employers

2.Functional Format

  • Often used by people who have gaps in their employment history
  • Focus on the experience, knowledge

3.Combination Format

  • Its a combination of Chronological format & functional format of resume
  • Emphasizes what make you the best fit for the job

Considerations while making a resume 

  • Plan your professional career goal.
  • Choose a pro-resume format that matches your professional qualifications.
  • Arrange contact section
  • profile Summary
  • core competencies
  • expertise
  • organizational experience
  • previous experience
  • training
  • academic details & personal details.
  • survey your organization whom you are preparing for the interview
  • Don't forget dates & sign to mention
  • put your responsibilities and achievements
  • Information should be neat and clean
  • use chronological/functional resume format

Find the Sample Format of resume link

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Become a professional now in only one video (PD,CS,BL,DA,RB,IT,PS & LQ)

This Video Belongs to those students/Professionals who wants to improve their interpersonal skills like

1.Personality Development

2.Communication Skills

3.Body Language

4.Dressing Attire

5.Interview Techniques

6.Public Speaking

7.Leadership Qualities

8.Resume Building

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What industry demands? From Freshers

Getting a job is very difficult for fresher these days after graduation, masters & Diploma.   and I think we got a degree but did not become an engineer, As companies are wanted

Companies are looking for those graduates who are having such qualities inside them 

1. Information past the course readings 

2. Positive methodology 

3. Information on the unknown dialect 

4. Dedicated 

5. Flexibility 

6. Capacity to lead 

7. Great public talking 

8. Great non-verbal communication 

9. Great certainty level 

10. Readiness to travel 

11. Relational abilities 

12. Refreshed with the most recent innovation 

13. Yearning 

14. Innovativeness 

15. Level of Thinking 

16. Time the board 

17. Plan and direct examinations, just as break down and decipher information 

18. Information on arithmetic, science, and designing 

19. Capacity to recognize, plan, and tackle designing issues 

20. Capacity to utilize the methods, abilities, and current designing apparatuses vital for designing practice.

                                                                       ll Thank you ll

Monday, May 10, 2021

Are you afraid during the interview?

Are you afraid during the interview?

 If the above question belongs to you, then read the full article

First, we will understand whats the interview?


job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired. it is the most popularly used device for employee selection.

एक नौकरी साक्षात्कार एक साक्षात्कार है जिसमें एक नौकरी आवेदक और एक नियोक्ता के प्रतिनिधि के बीच बातचीत होती है जो यह मूल्यांकन करने के लिए आयोजित की जाती है कि आवेदक को काम पर रखा जाना चाहिए या नहीं। यह कर्मचारी चयन के लिए सबसे लोकप्रिय उपकरण है।

A job interview typically precedes the hiring decision. The interview is usually preceded by the evaluation of submitted resumes from interested candidates, possibly by examining job applications or reading many resumes. Next, after this screening, a small number of candidates for interviews is selected.

नौकरी के लिए इंटरव्यू आमतौर पर हायरिंग के फैसले से पहले होता है। साक्षात्कार आमतौर पर इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों से प्रस्तुत रिज्यूम के मूल्यांकन से पहले होता है, संभवतः नौकरी के आवेदनों की जांच करके या कई रिज्यूमे पढ़कर। इसके बाद, इस स्क्रीनिंग के बाद, साक्षात्कार के लिए उम्मीदवारों की एक छोटी संख्या का चयन किया जाता है।

The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees. It also demands significant resources from the employer, An interview also allows the candidate to assess the corporate culture and demands of the job.

संभावित कर्मचारियों के मूल्यांकन के लिए नौकरी के साक्षात्कार को सबसे उपयोगी उपकरणों में से एक माना जाता है। यह नियोक्ता से महत्वपूर्ण संसाधनों की भी मांग करता है, एक साक्षात्कार भी उम्मीदवार को कॉर्पोरेट संस्कृति और नौकरी की मांगों का आकलन करने की अनुमति देता है।

what are the things that need is to be prepared at the time of the interview?

Types of questions

  • Inform Me Regarding Yourself. 
  • How Could You Hear About This Position? 
  • For what reason Do You Want to Work at This Company? 
  • For what reason Do You Want This Job? 
  • For what reason Should We Hire You? 
  • What Can You Bring to the Company? 
  • What Are Your Greatest Strengths? 
  • What Do You Consider to Be Your Weaknesses? 
  • What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement? 
  • Enlighten Me Regarding a Challenge or Conflict You've Faced at Work, and How You Dealt With It. 
  • Inform Me Regarding a Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills. 
  • What's a Time You Disagreed With a Decision That Was Made at Work? 
  • Educate Me Regarding a Time You Made a Mistake. 
  • Enlighten Me Concerning a Time You Failed. 
  • Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job? 
  • Why Were You Fired? 
  • Why Was There a Gap in Your Employment? 
  • Would you be able to Explain Why You Changed Career Paths? 
  • What's Your Current Salary? 
  • What Do You Like Least About Your Job? 
  • What Are You Looking for in a New Position? 
  • What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer? 
  • What's Your Management Style? 
  • How Would Your Boss and Coworkers Describe You? 
  • How Do You Deal With Pressure or Stressful Situations? 
  • What Do You Like to Do Outside of Work? 
  • How Do You Prioritize Your Work? 
  • What Are You Passionate About? 
  • What Motivates You? 
  • How Do You Like to Be Managed? 
  • Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? 
  • What's Your Dream Job? 
  • What Other Companies Are You Interviewing With? 
  • What Makes You Unique? 
  • What Should I Know That's Not on Your Resume? 
  • What Are Your Salary Expectations? 
  • What Do You Think We Could Do Better or Differently? 
  • When Can You Start? 
  • It is safe to say that you are Willing to Relocate? 
  • In the event that You Were an Animal, Which One Would You Want to Be? 
  • Sell Me This Pen. 
  • Is There Anything Else You'd Like Us to Know? 
  • Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

Situational interview questions

Situational interview questions ask job applicants to imagine a set of circumstances and then indicate how they would respond in that situation; hence, the questions are future-oriented. One advantage of situational questions is that all interviewees respond to the same hypothetical situation rather than describe experiences unique to them from their past. Another advantage is that situational questions allow respondents who have had no direct job experience relevant to a particular question to provide a hypothetical response

Behavioral interview questions

Behavioral (experience-based or patterned behavioral) interviews are past-oriented in that they ask respondents to relate what they did in past jobs or life situations that are relevant to the particular job-relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities required for success. The idea is that past behavior is the best predictor of future performance in similar situations. By asking questions about how job applicants have handled situations in the past that are similar to those they will face on the job, employers can gauge how they might perform in future situations.

Other types of questions

Other possible types of questions that may be asked alongside structured interview questions or in a separate interview include background questions, job knowledge questions, and puzzle-type questions. A brief explanation of each follows.

  • Background questions include a focus on work experience, education, and other qualifications. For instance, an interviewer may ask "What experience have you had with direct sales phone calls?" Interviews composed primarily of these types of questions are often labeled "conventional interviews".
  • Job knowledge questions may ask candidates to describe or demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) relevant to the job. These are typically highly specific questions. For example, one question may be "What steps would you take to conduct a manager training session on safety?

                                         Prepare all of the above interview necessity and maintain the confidence level 

                             with the upcoming blogs, I will be sharing you the best things to build up the confidence level

                                                                                             Thank you!

Saturday, May 8, 2021


Zee News (Hindi) Live From India

what engineer's should do between academic

what engineers should do between academics?

 In today's world, everyone is trying to get into the engineering sector & that's why they are joining engineering colleges & studying engineering without surveying their future based on current market situations.

I am not against engineering but the only thing I fee to remember you all, that first check the huge demanded sector as per your capability.

Engineering is a highly demanded stream but due to Demand supplyOutdated syllabus, Fake Faculty & facility, I.T sector development & Prestige issue its creating unemployment. 

In a further paragraph, I am going to describe that what engineers should do after/between the academic to get a great career.

1. Set your long term Goal

2. Check out all the difficulties which will be coming in the future to achieve the same goal

3. Along with the degree you just need to prepare some value-added training program as per engineering stream like( Design Software/engineering & Validation Software)       

4.  Develop your personality/ be like an engineer with your personality and dressing sense.

5.  Improve your communication skills

6.  Learn interview techniques

7.  Start working on real-time OJT projects

8.  Start following your inspiration

9.  Work hard to achieve your goal

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                                                                     II  Thank you II



Friday, May 7, 2021

Why? no jobs after engineering

 The reasons are

(1) Incapable Engineers

  • College isn't having a pro-explainer/lecturer
  • Don't have quality education 

  • out-dated syllabus

  • Lack of practical training 

  • Design & development training is missing 
      app, application, business, business strategy, coffee, collaboration, colleagues, computer, connection, content, creative, data, design, development, digital device, digital media, discussion, friends, give, group, handing, hands, homepage, html, ideas, information, internet, meeting, notepad, page, paper, people, planning, present, social network, startup, strategy, takeaway, task, technology, template, together, ui, user interface, web, web design, webpage, website, work, working, www, product, communication, brand, job

(2) Older/Outdated Syllabus

      According to the Industry, the college and their syllabus aren't refreshing straightly, the current engineer can't survive  & compete with people with a 10year old syllabus


(3) Improper communication Skills


(4) lack of personality development


(5) lack of Interview techniques awareness


(6) lack of dressing attire awareness

man, person, suit, portrait, corporate, professional, business, profession, businessman, executive, entrepreneur, confident, successful, formal wear, business executive

(7)  lack of body language awareness


Work on all of the above things and become a professional

Thursday, May 6, 2021

What is CAM?


Computer-aided manufacture (CAM)

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computers to control machines when creating a product.

using computerized specifications, a computer directs machines such as lathes and milling machines to perform work that otherwise would be controlled by a lathe or milling machine operator.

This process, which is called Numerical Control (NC OR CNC), is what came to be known as 20th century Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM),

Industrial Awareness

                  Industrial processes   are procedures involving chemical, physical, electrical, or mechanical steps to aid in the manufact...